Tuesday, 22 July 2014


Posted by Hemamenan on 7/22/2014 06:31:00 am with No comments

Image result for ladies finger

Eat  ladyfinger Indians believed that the nutrition of the brain. It belongs to the family of the cotton plant. Tavaraviyalpati Chembaruthi halihak of the houses. The flowers bloom in the organization's structure is similar to okra. Ladyfinger more heat to warm the land and environment necessary for both day and night. The higher yields in India, particularly in the south.


Ladyfinger Ethiopia country of origin. From there Arabia, nailnatiyora countries, then India is known as succession. G. B. In the 1600s, African slaves during the slave trade in America, Europe, and carried to the West. In preparing the gumbo soup is a popular soup Africans kettiyavatark were using the ladyfinger. Ladyfinger recruit soup powder. African languages​​, one of the okra gumbo in Swahili means. There is another name for okra. Soft finger tip length is ilac and pointed the finger of the woman say it in English.

As long as one does not use it without knowing how to cook them. At the time, the farmers had to gather steam plant, it tastes like it used to a few advanced ladyfinger hated it.


Young green, dark green, red-colored. Length, short and has a spherical shape.


The most important of okra kolakolapputan specialty. Kolakolappai cause of these acids. When you come out of these acids kolakolakkiratu ladyfinger crop.

How to Buy?:

As a ilac to dispense. Planters should be harvested daily. Pirakukuta claimed murrivitum type. Murray will soon look like wood. Gets to cook with. Ventaikkayinul be worm. Seeing as there is no need to buy a hole near Camp. If there is a worm hole.


If the vaippatan hprij kaluvamal Loose, put the plastic bag and put them in the vegetable tray. Hprij putting the drops should not be too wet. Kocakocattu damp rot fungus puttuvitum the okra. Alampa prior to cooking. Punaimuti are as thin as some of ladyfinger. Tutaittuvittu well ironed, washed and cut into paper towel. Should not cut it in the water. Colombo kolappana fluid exits the mucosa of its kind camaiyale become stale.

When cooked notice:

Today Drumstick Sambar does not qualify as units. Soup, pickles, sauce dishes that are made with ladyfinger is the largest of the list. Ladyfinger small pieces, dried in the sun, eating delicious vatakam are attached to oil.

Then add the flour and shorts cut kontaippakutiyai of ladyfinger batter batter will be smooth.

When ladyfinger good yank on it right vatankatu mottaiyakki kolappu Colombo. Viscosity builder so you lemon juice, or a little yoghurt vatakkalam away.

The powder is too much, cut, cut kolappu Colombo. Ladyfinger tomatoes, onions, corn, fish, cooked with potatoes, they are very tasty.

When the vegetables are cooked along with the rest of the Viscosity builder ladyfinger not come alone to add to the last fry. Iron, aluminum pots karuttuvitum Food made. Kolakolappai breaking of the ladyfinger to tomato tart.

Ladyfinger abroad thin cut onions, tomatoes, green chillies along with them will salattakattan. Eating cooked separately. In Bengal, peeling beans will mature lady's finger.

Ilacana ladyfinger pieces of bread soaked in egg and rolled in powdered or oil porittetuttu eating colama popular in the United States. Please use the rope to complete the piece of paper.

Food Nutrition:

Soluble fiber in half, half of which are insoluble narccattukkal. Soluble fiber reduces cholesterol in the body. This prevents cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack. Inflammation of the intestinal tract titattai of insoluble fiber, can prevent bowel cancer.

One cup of cooked ladyfinger the amount of food and nutrients:

Calories 25, fiber 2 g, protein 1.52 g, carbohydrates 5.76 g, Vitamin A 460 mihi, vitamin C 13.04 mg, hpalik Acid 36.5 microg, calcium 50.4 mg, iron 0.4 mg, Potassium 256.6 mg, magnesium 46 ml g.

For young women who ate an apple as ladyfinger continue to make beautiful cheeks. Moreover, in the face of significant minnuvarkal palapalavenru.

Ladyfinger demolished root powder mixed with milk and then eaten for dinner if it increases libido. 10 g to 10 g of powder is mixed with ghee and honey when consumed daily for men lead ore strength.

Ladyfinger A, B and C are the vitamins. Ladyfinger is an excellent drug for intestinal ulcer of stomach pain. In ancient times hurt, flooding, pimple problems such as drugs used to grind the leaves of the okra plant.

Ladyfinger have diarrhea binding. Ladyfinger a lot less expensive when purchased in season, dried and prepared when you need a drink and enjoy the soup. Set up a small home garden landscape mode ladyfinger Farming is so much flavor. Ladyfinger valuable resource when consumed with glory so much to live for....


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