Medicinal uses such as antibiotic, cancer, cathartic, diuretic, emetic, expectorant, poultice, tonic, and warts are reported by both traditional medical practitioners and modern medical doctors. It is used in treating joint pains, burns, scalds, and as a warts remover with leaf juice. Flowers are used for mucilaginous, tonic, burns, and scalds.
Juices extracted from flowers are effective for snakebites, too. The flowers, and their alcoholic extract, possess marked antibiotic activity against some pathogenic fungi and bacteria. The seed is expectorant and has been used in treating cancer, eczema, etc. The powdered seeds are given to women during labor in order to provide strength.
Most medicinal herbal tea, especially marigold tea has a certain medicinal property which calms the brain wave to normal form and repels the negative energy even in a short period of time. This means that marigold is effective to some viral diseases, too, just like that of PYRO-ENERGEN machine.
It is used as a natural food coloring.The extracts of the flowers are used as a food additive for coloring agent in industries.
It's flowers are used in face packs.The flowers are made into a paste with honey and applied on the face for a glowing complexion.
It is used for repelling insects and pests in fields.Insects and even some kind of mosquitoes do not attempt to live around this plant.So they are planted in between crops in fields.
It is also a natural rain indicator.They bloom usually in the mornings but if they are closed shut or become compact it indicates stormy weather ahead.
CalendulaMarigold, as an edible plant, has been and is still used as an additive to foods like salads. It is also used to garnish certain dishes. Although it is a popular culinary ingredient, Marigold is also well-known for its medicinal benefits.
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