Tuesday, 15 July 2014


Posted by Hemamenan on 7/15/2014 06:51:00 am with No comments

       Mud therapy is an alternative system of medicine for treatment of disease like joint pain, arthritis, rheumatism or any pain and also used to weight loss. Mud therapy was practiced by the ancient Greek people for treatment of different types of problems. The curative property of the mud is actually due to the plant residues that are deposited in the soil for a long duration of time.

There are many beneficial components that are present in the mud which get absorbed in the blood through the skin and it gets circulated throughout the body. The nerve endings that are situated on the outer skin get stimulated by mud bath which in turn triggers the whole nervous system.

The effects of the mud bath are like a rigorous exercise. Mud bath increases the heart rate, speed up the circulation, it also helps to get rid of the impurities and other toxic material inside of the body. Mud therapy tones the body and it is sometimes given for treatment of some disorders like rheumatism, infertility, arthritis, skin problems etc.

        Mud therapy helps to clear the pathological agents that may present inside the body and help to cure stress of daily life. Mud therapy is used for weight loss, detoxification of the body, tones and revitalizes the body. A mud therapy treatment cycle is for one to two weeks. This cycle includes applying of six to twelve mud packs on daily basis. Sometimes it is advisable to take some break in between the treatment.

          Normally mud therapy is done only once a year but as per the needs of the patients it can be performed twice a year with the interval of 4-5 months in between two cycles. The mud used is a mixture containing organic solid component mixed with mineral water and left for some times to mature. Mud is heated to 50 degree before it is applied on the body. After the application of the mud pack, the patient is wrapped to prevent the dispersion of heat. After the mud bath ten to fifteen minutes of the relaxation is done. 

Mode  of Treatment in MUD Therapy 

         Mud therapy is used to treat inflammation caused by sprains, bruises, and other internal problem, wounds and boils. Various practitioners of naturopathy use damp earth for the treatment purpose. Earth for this purpose can be obtained from riverbeds and anthills. The earth is battered and filtered to remove large particles of sand that are contained in it.

Common Types of therapeutic mud are..

Moor – It is a peat based organic muds.
Fango –It is a thermal muds obtained from hot springs.
Brine muds – This mud is highly saline coastal muds.
Healing clay –It is usually swelling mineral clays.

Different Methods of Using Mud Therapy

1. Mud packs

         A proper mud pack is prepared by collecting the clay from ten centimeter below the earth’s surface. Mud should be free from the crystals and compost or some other waste materials.

       A smooth paste of clay is made by mixing it with warm water. This paste of mud is then cooled and spread on the strip of cloth. Different sizes of cloths are used according to the requirement.

        Mud pack treatment is beneficial in treatment of eye problems, kidney disorders, gout arthritis etc. The area which is under treatment is given fomentation for approximately 5 min until it is heated. After this, direct application of mud is done on the skin for up to fifteen minutes or other time span, depending on the area of application.

      Chronic pains, intestinal cramps, and lower back problem. Mud packs are used to treat colitis, amoebiosis, enteritis and other problems caused by bacteria.

2. Mud Bath

       Mud bath follows the same treatment as of mud pack but it is used on the entire body unlike in case of mud pack which is used in a specific area. The mud bath enhances the blood circulation and it energizes the skin tissue. Frequently taking mud bath is effective in treatment of skin problems and cosmetic treatment as it enhances complexion, removes patches and other spots.

         Various inflammatory diseases like psoriasis, leprosy, and leucoderma can be treated by mud therapy. Mud bath is effective in treatment of rheumatic pains and the pains caused due to injuries. The duration of mud bath is from approximately 3o min to one hour. Care is taken so that patient won’t get cold during mud bath. 

Benefits of MUD Therapy 

Mud therapy is very beneficial in treating skin problems and other diseases and ailments. It is also used in enhancing beauty. Mud therapy is sometimes used to cure diseases like osteoarthritis, back and joint pains, and periarthritis. It is beneficial in pain with no inflammation.

Mud is beneficial in treating the skin diseases due to following reasons ..

• Mud retains water for longer duration of time even more than ice packs.

• It increases the blood circulation in the surface area as the cold moisture's in mud relax the pores on the skin.

• It also beneficial in treatment of acne and its prevention.

• Cleansing effect of mud makes skin smooth and regenerated.

• Mud also has anti-inflammatory effect and hence used in acne, eczema and other inflammatory disease of skin.

• It is used as an anti-aging effect.

• It helps to restores pH of the skin.

• It creates a rejuvenating effect on skin.

• Mud therapy tone up the skin of the user.

• Mud detoxifies the skin.

• It has exfoliating effects on the skin. And eliminates dead cell from the skin and refines skin structure.

• After small pox, mud is used to remove spots and patches from the skin.

Apart from skin problems, Mud therapy is used in treatment of various other diseases.
Mainly problems that is associated with pain.

• It stimulate and energies the body.

• It reduces pain and aches like backaches and reduces muscle aches.

• Mud therapy alleviates stress related issues.

• It maintains the hormone balance naturally.

• Remove the toxins from the body.

• It provides relaxing effect to the body.

Mud therapy treats many diseases like --

• It treats skin allergy and many other skin problems like psoriasis and even leprosy.

• It helps to reduce the irritation of the eye helps in the diseases like conjunctivitis, itching of eyes, hemorrhage in the eyeball, and other allergic conditions.

• Mud therapy treats the errors of refraction like myopia, hypermetropia and in case of glaucoma.

• It treats the general weakness and nervous problems.

• Stomach problems can be treated with help of mud therapy.

• It is beneficial in kidney disorders.

• It treats the disease like arthritis, rheumatism, asthma, bronchopneumonia, diabetes etc.


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