Saturday, 5 October 2019

stomach irritation from acid or acidity

Posted by Hemamenan on 10/05/2019 07:14:00 am with No comments
Ginger, lemon or honey are very effective in removing stomach irritation from acid or acidity.

It is helpful in removing acids. Ginger can eat like chocolate. Or it can be mixed by mixing the ginger powder with hot water or boiling fresh ginger in water. You can even eat ginger with food. If you are pregnant or have low blood pressure, you should eat a small amount of ginger. It is enough to feed one gram of ginger a day.

Lemon controls acid, balancing the body's pH. Nourishing acid produces bicarbonate in the stomach, thus removing acid from the stomach. Lemons can be used in many ways.

If there is no high blood pressure, the lemon can be sliced ​​and eaten with salt. It will provide immediate relief. Also, one cup of water or soda can be mixed with lemon juice. Besides citrus, other citrus or taco fruits like grapes, oranges and even kiwi fruit are equally useful.

Honey: It contains natural ingredients that are resistant to bacteria and fungus. Which helps in the digestion process, destroying the bacteria. It helps to avoid various stomach problems like ulcers and reduces the problem of acidity.


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