Saturday, 5 October 2019


Posted by Hemamenan on 10/05/2019 07:39:00 am with 1 comment

There is no comparison of lemon to beauty. Reducing acne or controlling pigmentation from the black spots on the body, everything is possible. Let's know how to remove any black spots on the body with lemon.

How to use:

1) Anti-bacterial and anti-viral ingredients of lemon increase the body's immunity. Lemon is effective in fixing sunburned skin.

2) Anti-oxidants in lemon removes skin folds and scars. Vitamin C in lemon eliminates acne or acne-causing bacteria.

3) Lemon is also an important ingredient in aromatherapy. Lemon juice is effective in alleviating the aging facial scars. The use of lemon juice also reduces acne on the face.

4) Lemon is effective in eliminating dirt in the elbows, knees and ankles of the hands To remove the roughness of the hands and feet, mix the rice powder with lemon juice and apply it on your feet.

5) To remove the oily feeling of the skin, mix it with equal amount of juice and lemon juice and make a mixture by applying it to the mouth. The oily skin of the skin will be removed and the skin will be refreshed. If the mixture burns immediately after applying it, wash it off quickly. In that case, lemon can dry out the skin excess.

6) Lemon juice and milk mixture is also effective in removing excess oil on the skin. Cut out half of a large lemon and squeeze the juice. Now mix it with 1 tablespoon liquid milk well. Gently massage the whole face, wash after 5-20 minutes. Lemon removes skin oil and milk retains moisturizers of the skin. This mixture should be carefully applied around the eyes.

7) With the white part of an egg, add half a lemon juice and one tablespoon orange lemon juice with hot water and paste it on the skin. Leave it for 20 minutes. After drying, rinse in cold water.

8) Cut half of a large lemon and squeeze the juice. Prepare the mixture by mixing 2 tablespoons of honey in it and keep it for 5 minutes. If you feel a tension on the skin, wash it in cold water. Honey will brighten the skin. The natural bleaching quality of lemon will make the skin more lean.

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